Thursday, March 25, 2021



What is NOT a Near Miss?

  1. An important email composed on PC but forget to transmit- some people report it.
  2. Spelling /verb mistake in display boards or document
  3. Damaged road/walk ways.
  4. Water leakage from tape or leaking fire hydrant. – Many people report it
  5. A.C or tube light not working
  6. Repair request of office furniture-Damaged furniture/lockers/doors /windows/broken glasses etc.
  7. Water leakage from service water line.
  8. Choked sewage / bath room drains
  9. Complaints regarding grass growth  and tree/bushes causing hindrance
  10. Complaints regarding scrap removal
  11. Non-availability/ damaged safety shower, wind sock etc
  12. Dog, snake, mosquito menace.
  13. Empty drums removal requirement.
  14. CCTV complaints
  15. Requirement of warning signs
  16. Damaged safety & other sign boards
  17. Complaints on foul smell without identifying the source
  18. Cleaning requirement of unit area
  19. Seepage from roof or chajja.
  20. Missing/damaged PG/loss of level in equipment/ Power failure/DCS black out etc.
  21. Township related civil & Electrical complaints
  22. Maintenance related regular work request
  23. Plant related production /process QC lab issues

Examples of Unsafe acts & unsafe conditions:

Unsafe Acts:

       Operating equipment or machinery without permission

       Defeating safety devices/interlocks

       Using defective equipment

       Using the wrong tool for the job

       Not using Personal Protective       Equipment

       Incorrect lifting techniques

       Working while intoxicated Hazardous atmospheres


       Non-authorized personnel entering restricted areas.

       Falling or flying objects that do not make contact with individuals nor cause any significant property damage.

       Exceeding equipment operating conditions/parameters.

       Deliberate/willful disobeyance of safety rules  (ex carrying of mobile phone inside battery area)

       Operating Vehicles without license or authority

       Bypassing safety interlocks without authorization

       Not tagging field equipment when isolated from electrical Sub Station

       Starting maint. job on machines/pump/motor without isolating power locally and from sub station

       Opening of flanges on live equipment/line w/o permit

       Discoordination between two working groups in same enclosure

       Fueling running vehicles/cranes

       Carrying a suspended load over personnel/standing under that.

       Keeping files on floor in movement areas.

Unsafe Conditions

       Lack of guarding on machinery

       Crowding workers into one area

       Using the wrong tool for the job

       Inadequate alarm systems

       Fires & explosions risk


       Excessive noise

       Inadequate lighting

       Faulty equipment

       Waste going into the wrong waste stream.

       Failure of any equipment or associated systems that are in place to protect health and safety.

       Failure identified by statutory testing.

       Working on perforated  roof or weak roof

       Blocked exit/entry/stairs

       Undressed cable /wire of computer /printer etc

       Open manholes /Open trenches

       Working in areas with oil spillage

       Broken/missing wire net on revolving fan/machines.

       Missing rung on ladder /missing stop, bar on monkey ladders

       Hanging electrical fittings

       Hanging  overhead load/material

       Chemical spillage

       Dusty atmosphere

       Low illumination

       High noise

       Torn tires of vehicles/hydra etc.

       Blind corner on roads with low visibility

Factors which can lead to unsafe acts or conditions:

Human Factors

System  Factors

Lack of knowledge or skills

due to inadequate training

Substandard equipment  design

Physical limitations of the worker

Poor equipment maintenance  

Distractions which interfere  with the worker’s ability to concentrate on task

Purchase of substandard equipment , material , tools & tackles

Unusual increases in usages of


Non-existent or poorly  developed  work standards

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