Thursday, March 25, 2021



Understand - What is a Near Miss?

An incident which does not result in any injury or damage to property but has the potential to result in injury and / or property damage.

Definition from SEED Standard on incident reporting and investigation


An event that could have resulted in an incident is a near miss

Generally the following events are some examples of near miss when:

          A person trips over an object and falls to the ground but did not get injured

          A person has to dive or jump out of the way to avoid a collision with a motorized vehicle, or a suspended load that is swinging

          A person has to jump from a falling ladder, but did not get injured

          Any emergency equipment (fire extinguisher, Air Pack, Oxygen sensor, eye wash, etc) fails to operate properly when called on in an emergency.


          Any Near Miss that has potential to convert into a major incident under slightly different circumstances shall be termed as Hi-Po Near Miss.

Below are some example of Near miss :

  • Failure of a safety device without causing any damage to plant, equipment or injury to a person.
  • Falling of a ceiling fan without hurting any person.
  • Slipping on floor without getting hurt or injured.
  • Failure of brake or controls on mobile equipment or vehicle.
  • Collapse of excavated earth without causing damage Release of toxic or inflammable gas without causing fire or injury.
  • Dropping of material from overhead without causing injury .
  • A forklift tipped over while carrying a load that shifted on an uneven work surface. The driver escaped without a scratch by staying buckled inside the cage.
  • A Railway Exchange Mechanic working under Rail Tank Wagon had just stepped away when the Rail wagon was struck by another wagon being positioned in TW gantry.
  • A forklift ran over a welder’s foot which was protected by his steel toed boots when the driver backed up and did not see him walking behind his lift.
  • Breaking of a hand tool, coming out of hammer from handle without injuring.
  • Falling of load from height, without causing any damage or injury.
  • Sudden failure of brake/locking device of EOT crane during lifting of load in compressor house in any unit.
  • Snapping of wire rope of coke bucket of Kone crane in DCU without any damage or injury.
  • Failure of magnetic lock or brake of elevator in FCCU or MSQU or opening of floor lift door without having lift at designated floor.
  • Tripping over an unsecured cable or Electrical cord.
  • If a person walking in a ware house and he felled due to cable in his way but he didn’t have any injury.
  • A vehicle has been stuck with other but no major damage occurred.
  • While working on height a spanner slipped from hand and fell down on a head of person, due helmet on head nothing happened to him.
  • A lifted load felled down on the deck due to breaking of sling but nothing happened to anyone.
  • While tightening a bolt your hand slips from spanner due to wet hand and spanner felt on floor very close to a person who is assisting you.
  • While bending backward in an office chair, its wheels slipped and you fell down without hurting.
There are many examples of near miss added everyday……….

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