Thursday, March 25, 2021



Basic fire safety knowledge is an important skill that can save your life on or off the job. Here we will breakdown basic characteristics of a fire, important fire safety tips, what to do if you find yourself involved with a fire and some discussion points for your group.

Characteristics of Fire

• To support fire, you must have; HEAT, FUEL, OXYGEN, and SUSTAINED


• A small fire can grow out of control in as little as 30 seconds.

• A room involved with a fire can have a temperature of 100°C at floor level and 600°C at eye level. In less than 5 minutes a room can flashover.

• Fire starts bright but will quickly turn the room pitch black from releasing smoke and toxic gases. Be familiar with your surroundings and evacuation routes!

Fire Safety Tips

• An important fire safety tip is to look for and eliminate any potential fire hazards before they become a reality!

• Know where pull stations and extinguishers are located.

• Time is the biggest enemy, get out of the building!

• If a fire, pull nearest fire alarm if possible, if not, call for help from a safe location outside.

• If smoke, stay as low to the ground as possible.

• If safe, close all doors behind you as you leave the building.

• Don’t use the elevator for evacuation because the shaft can act as a chimney. Elevators also present an entrapment hazard if they fail.

• Never return to a burning building.

Group Discussion Topics

• Identify all “high risk” areas in your facilities.

• Where are the nearest fire extinguishers, pull stations, and your buildings primary and secondary evacuation routes?

• Can these areas be modified to eliminate or lessen the potential risk?

• Most fires occur between 1:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. Brainstorm what causes this and how you could address these issues.

• Identify if anyone has seen any close calls or fires during their tenure. How were those situations handled, good or bad?

• Ask the group to list any unanswered fire safety questions or concerns that they may have and submit to EH&S for assistance.

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