Sunday, May 23, 2021

Grinder Safety -Hazards, Precautions, PPE

Grinder Safety -Hazards, Precautions, PPE

Grinder Machine Hazards :

All types of grinding machines, whether pedestal, bench mounted, free-standing or portable, can be potentially hazardous if they are not well maintained and used correctly. In addition to the common hazards of flying particles, dust and sparks, shattering abrasive wheel while in Motion can cause severe injury to both the user and others. To avoid a potential hazard, we need to follow Grinder Safety 

Grinding Machine Operator Competency :

· Only competent personnel trained in the use of grinding machine shall be allowed to use portable grinders.

· Personnel tasked to use grinders shall attend grinder safety training before they are allowed to use grinding machines.

Grinder machine Safety Precautions

· Grinders shall Be equipped with the ‘dead man switch’. Self-modification of the toggle Switch to function as a ‘dead man switch’ is strictly prohibited as the tool may not have been designed to be used in that manner and maybe a poor decision from an Ergonomic perspective.

· All handheld grinding machines shall be complete with handle or commonly known as the ‘T’ bar. Removal of the handle during use is strictly prohibited.

· Each grinding machine shall be fitted with its correct guard as supplied by the manufacturer. The guard shall cover a minimum of 70% of the circumference of the rotating disc.

· Unbreakable glass / plastic screen shall be fit on All pedestal/static grinding machines which can be adjusted to protect against flying particles.

· All pedestal/static grinding machines must have an efficient starting and stopping device, which is easily accessible.

· Each grinding machine shall be inspected regularly before use, and colour coded

· Abrasive wheels, grinding or cutting discs without the manufacturer’s maximum RPM marked shall not be used.

· RPM (rotation per minute) of the wheel shall be more than a grinding machine if machine RPM exceeds than a wheel can break easily.

· Grinding and cutting discs are different in the manufacture and shall therefore only be used for its intended purpose. Cutting wheel is only allowed for cutting do not do grinding using cutting wheel, chances of breaking. They shall be stored separately and physically identified to avoid selection error.

· Proper PPE, including double eye protection such as the use of goggles underneath of a shatter-resistant face shield and an inhalation mask such as dust mask, Leather gloves shall be worn by all personnel operating grinding machines.

· Work areas around pedestal / static abrasive wheels equipment shall be kept clear of obstructions to reduce the risk of tripping hazards.

· Screens shall be erected by fire blanked around welding/grinding works to prevent flying sparks showering nearby personnel/equipment.

· Cables shall be run neatly in a manner and shall hang on insulated hangers that do not cause tripping hazards.

· When changing the grinding disc of the grinder, the power source shall be isolated and the plug physically removed.

· Expiry year of shall be visible on the disk. Do not use an expired grinding disk. & do not use a wheel without an expiry date.

· Subjected Work-pieces shall be secured using proper clamps. Holding the work piece onto one hand while performing grinding operations is strictly prohibited.

· Due to the possibility of a wheel disintegrating during start-up, employees shall be briefed not to stand directly in front of the wheel as it accelerates to full operating speed.

· Worn out / damaged, grinding or cutting disc shall be replaced. When changing the disc, proper tools shall be use.

· All worn out / damaged, grinding or cutting disc shall be returned to the stores at the end of each shift to ensure that they are dispose of properly.

· The power source shall be isolated and the plug physically removed while not in operation.

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