Sunday, May 23, 2021

Personal Protective Equipment – PPE

Types Of Personal Protective Equipment – PPE

In order to attain the expected degree of protection, PPE must be worn and it should be clean and maintained in good conditions. Only Client approved PPE shall used at site. It does not eliminate hazards but is an aid in controlling individual exposure to prevent injury or adverse health effect.

Types of PPE:

Types of Personal Protective Equipment PPE:

· Safety helmet.

· Goggles.

· Coverall (normal and disposable).

· Safety shoes.

· Mask (dust, cartridge and canister).

· Hand gloves (rubber, cotton, leather and welding gloves).

· Ear plugs and muffs.

· Safety harness.

· Welding Apron.

· Face shield (normal and welding).

· Blasting hood.

· SCBA (self contained breathing apparatus).

· SCUBA (self contained under water breathing apparatus).

· Escape set.


A self contained breathing apparatus consist of compressed air cylinder, full face piece, air supply hose, pressure regulator, pressure gauge, low pressure alarm.

SCBA offer complete respiratory protection usually for 30 min in any toxic or oxygen deficient atmosphere.

Regulator shall be pressure demand type, which maintains slightly positive pressure to avoid contamination air leaking from face piece.

SCBA shall be used in fire fighting and IDLH atmosphere

One hearing low pressure beep alarm, person using SCBA shall immediately leave the contaminated atmosphere to fresh air.

SCBA Shall be properly maintained, stored and inspected regularly.

Escape BA Set:

It is the short duration version of
SCBA, which is able to provide full respiratory protection for 10 minute to enable escape from a hazardous atmosphere.

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